
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My letter for Lock down

Dear future Max,

Hey Max, remember that time in 2020 and we're on Lockdown? You were very sad because you couldn't see your friends. But... one day the Prime Minister said that we're back in level 2 and you got so happy. On Thursday after your Google meets your asked Mum to text Lisa so you could see if you could play with Seb. She did and Lisa  texted back. She said would you like to come over today because they were going to Hanmer. You went over and had the best time. Are you still friends with Seb?

When it was nearly time to go to school you were so excited but when you got back to school it was so miserable because the weather was dark and cold. It wasn't what you thought it would be.

Anzac day was our favourite day of Lockdown because you loved the World Wars and you got the hold the flag and you saw Seb. Are you still interested in the World Wars?

From you,
Max - 9 years old

Have you ever written a letter to yourself?

my maths