
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sentence Expansion

 We have been learning about sentence expansion. It is really fun and easy because we add when, where and why. It's quite easy and fun to do. 

We are learning to expand our sentences with more data

Oscar cried 

When: 8:30am morning

Where: School

Why: john was making fun of him

At 8:30am in the morning, Oscar cried  because John was making fun of him at school.

They had an argument.

When: yesterday

Where: the movies

Why: about what movie

Yesterday, at the movies Seb and Max had an argument about what movie to watch.

How do you add detail to sentences?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 Weekly have been learning about Psalms and I am really proud of mine

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Character profile

 This week in writing we had to read a book and draw an image of the character in the book and then write about his personality


This week in RE we have been learning about the real meaning of love what is the real meaning of love? The real meaning of love is  what Jesus did. He laid down his life for his friends`